MKJ Announces 2020 Seminar Programming
Largo, FL – MKJ’s 2020 Marketing Summit will investigate the consolidation of the industry relative to the...
Leader Links: 10 Facts You May Not Know About Congressional Cemetery
Here’s a look at some interesting recent stories about the deathcare industry that are making their rounds.
How to Improve Your Trust with Cremation Families
With the COVID-19 crisis causing waves of fear and uncertainty to sweep across our nation, families need to be able to trust you more now than ever before.
Leader Links: Center Accused of Mishandling Donated Bodies
There are so many news sources these days that it’s easy to miss out on big or important stories. Here at The Leader, we keep up with all the latest deathcare headlines and put them in one place to make it convenient for you.
WEBINAR: Seeing a Cremation Spike? Here’s How to Capitalize.
Our panel of experts will be sharing the best ways to adjust your marketing and operations to stay profitable through our new series: The Leader Briefing.
Top 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes & How Your Funeral Home Can Fix Them
Keeping up with social media marketing trends isn’t at the very top of the priority list for funeral homes, I know this. But there are a few quick ways you can make sure you’re not making common, easy-to-fix mistakes.
MKJ Marketing Announces 2021 Scheduled Seminars
After a year of restricted travel, it’s about time we take a trip. MKJ Marketing will be conducting our two most popular seminars in February and March of 2021.
Limited-Time Offer for Free Book Written by Social Media Marketing Expert
Social media can be one of the most powerful marketing tools for your business … but only if you know how to use it correctly.
How Good Marketing Can Help Solve the Employee Recruitment and Retention Crisis
Problems with recruitment and retention are being felt across all sectors today, but funeral service is feeling the blow especially hard, as recruiting new employees and keeping them on for longer than five years has been a challenge to this profession for a long time.