How Funeral Homes Can Adapt to Change in 2023
As our environment continues to experience frequent change, safeguarding your business by remaining vigilant and adapting to the world around you is becoming increasingly important.
Are You Missing Out on Potential Revenue Because of Your Website?
Funeral home websites have been in constant evolution since the development of the internet in the early 1990s.
ICCFA Educational Foundation Expands Final Responders PSA Effort to Radio
After a successful introduction of the television segment of their Final Responders Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign, the ICCFA Educational Foundation has announced the launch of the radio portion of the campaign.
Tribute Technology Hosting Free Webinar: Make Your Online Obituaries Work for You
These days, everything is digital-first, including obituaries — but are you benefiting from your website as much as you can? Are you up to date on the latest ways users can memorialize their loved ones?
How Good Marketing Can Help Solve the Employee Recruitment and Retention Crisis
Problems with recruitment and retention are being felt across all sectors today, but funeral service is feeling the blow especially hard, as recruiting new employees and keeping them on for longer than five years has been a challenge to this profession for a long time.
Is Your Website a Potential Target for Accessibility Litigation? Tribute Technology and UserWay Are...
On Wednesday, June 8, at 1 p.m. ET, Tribute Technology and UserWay will offer a free webinar open to all owners of funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematories to ensure their websites meet the federal standards established by the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar standards in other countries. Exceeds Growth Expectations with 5,000+ Funeral Homes Enrolled In Legacy Pro
Legacy Pro,'s newest program to enhance the funeral home search experience by spotlighting trusted local funeral home partners, has just surpassed 5,000 funeral homes enrolled.
One Simple Thing You Can Do to Welcome More Families
The most common reasons people choose a funeral home are location, word of mouth, and — most importantly — the personal experiences they have had organizing or attending a funeral with your funeral home. This could be attendance in person or online through a live-streamed service.