By Leader Contributor Emma Horton
Here’s a look at some of the interesting stories about the deathcare industry making their rounds this week.
Read about the struggles facing those wishing to provide green burials. Consumers are ready to make the step towards more ecologically minded services, but cemetery law is presenting roadblocks.
Read about funeral director and poet Thomas Lynch’s newest collection of essays. The family business gave him the inspiration to combine his love for poetry and personal affiliation with death, providing for the inspiration behind The Depositions.
Read about how two women are shifting deathcare services to mirror wedding services. Farewelling co-founders Elizabeth Meyer Karansky and Karen Bussen saw a need for increased personalization options and for family members to feel comfortable speaking more openly about death.
Learn about ethical companies that are working to tackle funeral poverty. Even basic funeral costs are at an all-time high, causing many people to go into debt when attempting to fulfill funeral plans for their parents and other loved ones.
Have any articles, podcasts, TV shows, or other deathcare-related information you think we should know about? Email us at for the chance to be featured in next week’s article!