Funeral Service Foundation Doubles Number of Scholarships Available to Attend the NFDA International Convention & Expo, and Announces Celebrant Training Scholarships


Twenty NFDA International Convention & Expo Scholarships are available to funeral directors licensed in the US or Canada, and 10 Celebrant Training scholarships are available to celebrants affiliated with a funeral home. Application deadline for both programs is July 31.


Brookfield, WI — Furthering its commitment make education accessible to the funeral service profession, the Funeral Service Foundation has doubled the number of scholarships available to attend the 2022 NFDA International Convention & Expo in Baltimore, Maryland, October 9-12, and will award its first-ever preconvention (October 7-9) Certified Celebrant Training scholarships in partnership with Insight Institute.

“The Foundation strives to make education accessible, which is why we will offer 20 scholarships to attend NFDA’s world-class convention this year, and have expanded our Foundation Scholarship Program to include Certified Celebrant Training,” said Funeral Service Foundation Executive Director, Lee Wiensch, CAE, CFRE. “Funeral service professionals are often called to celebrant work, and the Foundation is here to support that passion and purpose.”

NEW THIS YEAR — Certified Celebrant Training Scholarships

Scholarships are available to those who are verifiably affiliated with at least one funeral home and are interested in becoming a Certified Celebrant. Offered by Insight Institute, and presented by Glenda Stansbury and Matt Bailey, scholarships cover registration fees for the NFDA-hosted preconvention seminar. Scholarships also include up to $1,100 in travel and hotel reimbursement.

“The Foundation’s Board of Trustees recognizes that celebrants who serve families extends beyond licensed funeral directors,” said Wiensch, who is a Certified Celebrant. “Oftentimes hospice and healthcare professionals, clergy, chaplains, educators, counselors, social workers, and others work with funeral homes to provide families with personalized and meaningful memorialization experiences.”

EXPANDED — NFDA International Convention & Expo Scholarships

Twenty scholarships valued at up to $2,000 are available to funeral directors licensed in the US and Canada to attend the NFDA International Convention & Expo. Open to NFDA members and nonmembers who plan to attend the entire three-day event, scholarships cover convention registration fees, three nights of lodging at a convention hotel, and, new this year, up to $500 in travel reimbursement.

“Our Board of Trustees believe that increasing available scholarships to 20 is an easy decision because there always something new to learn at NFDA’s annual event,” said Wiensch. “Foundation scholarship winners leave the Convention invigorated and ready to serve families with a renewed energy. Whether you’re new to the profession, or have been serving families for years, we encourage you to apply for a Convention scholarship.”

Application Details

Those interested can review full submission requirements, scholarship terms and guidelines for both applications online. Using a common application format, all scholarship candidates are required to answer five questions in no more than 250 words per question, and submit a brief video, no longer than two minutes by the July 31 application deadline.

Those who have applied in the past but have not been awarded an in-person NFDA International Convention & Expo Scholarship are encouraged to re-apply. Those who have registered for the convention and/or preconvention seminar are also eligible to apply. Licensed funeral directors may apply for both NFDA Convention & Expo and Celebrant Training Scholarships, however, may win only one award. Winners will be notified in mid-August.

The scholarships are part of the Foundation Scholarship Program, which helps make education accessible to more than 500 funeral service professionals each year through academic and professional development scholarships, and continuing education awards and opportunities. Dates and deadlines vary. Learn more online.


NFDA International Convention & Expo Scholarships: expo-scholarships/

Certified Celebrant Training Scholarships:

Funeral Service Foundation Scholarship Program:

NFDA International Convention & Expo:

Insight Institute Celebrant Training:

About the Funeral Service Foundation –
Since 1945, the Funeral Service Foundation has served as the philanthropic voice of the funeral profession and has identified as the charitable arm of the National Funeral Directors Association since 1997. Donors and volunteer leaders profession-wide support the Foundation in its mission of investing in people and programs to strengthen funeral service and lift up grieving communities.

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