Saturday, February 8, 2025

FSAC and NFDA to Host 2022 Professional Women’s Conference in Toronto, Canada

The Funeral Service Association of Canada (FSAC), in partnership with the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), will host the third Professional Women’s Conference – Canada.

Funeral Direction Is a Ministry: My Transition from Priesthood to Funeral Service

As much as one tends to think that we deal with the dead, our biggest impact is on the living. We make a difference, and we need to hear that.

Selected’s 2023 NextGen Seminar Offers Education and Connections

Selected Independent Funeral Homes is excited to travel to Grand Cayman for the 2023 NextGen Seminar Jan. 29-Feb. 2 after a three-year delay due to the pandemic.

NFDA Honors Funeral Homes for Excellence in Service to Families and Communities

The National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) congratulates the funeral businesses that earned a 2022 Pursuit of Excellence Award.

Violence and Anger: Understanding It, Mourning It, and Using It to Effect Change

After several deadly mass shootings across America over the summer months, Dr. Alan Wolfelt is sharing his insights on how to cope with grief following these tragic acts of violence.

CANA Welcomes New Directors, New President

The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) welcomed new board members and recognized the service of others at the Annual Meeting of the Membership in August 2022.

Finding the Opportunity and Articulating the Value of Green: Attracting Eco-Conscious Consumers to Your...

Rather than telling anyone the “right way” to do green at your company, the Green Funeral Conference 2022 is designed to spark ideas that you can test in your business and discover what works for you.

‘Take 5’ for Yourself: NFDA Offers Free Online Self-Care Series for Funeral Service Professionals

Funeral service is a high-touch, high-stress career that, unfortunately, comes with a high degree of compassion fatigue and burnout.

Selected Independent Funeral Homes to Host 104th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC

Selected Independent Funeral Homes will host its 104th Annual Meeting at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC, on September 21- 24, 2022.

How Many Households Have Cremated Remains? Brand-New Research Debuts at CANA’s 2022 Convention

In April 2022, CANA conducted a new research project with The Harris Poll to find out how many cremated remains are at home, what these households plan to do with them, and much more.