WASHINGTON — FEMA has provided over $1.086 billion to more than 165,000 people to assist with COVID-19-related funeral costs for deaths occurring on or after Jan. 20, 2020.
Eligibility determinations are not driven by state/location; instead, they are based on when the applicant submits all required documentation.
“Applications” in the below chart reflect the number of individuals who called to begin the assistance process.
Please find state-specific information below:
State/Territory | Applications | Amount Approved | Number of Awards |
ALABAMA | 5,991 | $25,416,591 | 3,673 |
ALASKA | 141 | $425,535 | 75 |
AMERICAN SAMOA | Less than 10 | $9,000 | Less than 10 |
ARIZONA | 4,496 | $14,081,235 | 2,732 |
ARKANSAS | 2,725 | $10,845,509 | 1,699 |
CALIFORNIA | 27,344 | $108,066,874 | 16,566 |
COLORADO | 2,067 | $7,334,374 | 1,301 |
COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANAS | Less than 10 | $4,344 | Less than 10 |
CONNECTICUT | 3,163 | $15,094,444 | 2,168 |
DELAWARE | 806 | $2,972,062 | 469 |
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | 510 | $1,872,198 | 275 |
FLORIDA | 15,919 | $51,720,240 | 9,117 |
GEORGIA | 9,926 | $42,885,263 | 6,175 |
GUAM | 13 | $51,162 | Less than 10 |
HAWAII | 266 | $854,056 | 144 |
IDAHO | 565 | $1,832,347 | 319 |
ILLINOIS | 11,047 | $49,063,475 | 7,155 |
INDIANA | 4,634 | $21,353,610 | 3,036 |
IOWA | 2,296 | $11,063,461 | 1,541 |
KANSAS | 2,203 | $9,607,020 | 1,462 |
KENTUCKY | 3,529 | $16,668,998 | 2,321 |
LOUISIANA | 4,913 | $21,073,056 | 3,061 |
MAINE | 356 | $1,115,274 | 203 |
MARYLAND | 5,160 | $22,021,622 | 3,263 |
MASSACHUSETTS | 5,301 | $24,448,740 | 3,506 |
MICHIGAN | 8,897 | $35,820,860 | 5,858 |
MINNESOTA | 2,573 | $12,486,120 | 1,802 |
MISSISSIPPI | 4,288 | $17,367,765 | 2,562 |
MISSOURI | 4,918 | $20,185,951 | 3,190 |
MONTANA | 476 | $1,265,987 | 244 |
NEBRASKA | 1,139 | $5,453,680 | 764 |
NEVADA | 2,319 | $7,052,792 | 1,273 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | 631 | $2,480,089 | 410 |
NEW JERSEY | 11,016 | $48,892,907 | 7,026 |
NEW MEXICO | 1,458 | $3,933,309 | 763 |
NEW YORK | 24,079 | $99,465,381 | 14,321 |
NORTH CAROLINA | 7,861 | $33,581,093 | 5,030 |
NORTH DAKOTA | 633 | $2,797,135 | 374 |
OHIO | 8,962 | $39,864,468 | 6,154 |
OKLAHOMA | 3,707 | $15,841,265 | 2,460 |
OREGON | 813 | $2,531,224 | 477 |
PENNSYLVANIA | 11,903 | $53,368,987 | 8,083 |
PUERTO RICO | 1,140 | $2,185,233 | 600 |
RHODE ISLAND | 1,074 | $4,219,978 | 610 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | 5,432 | $24,543,957 | 3,526 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | 677 | $3,109,737 | 422 |
TENNESSEE | 6,488 | $29,919,291 | 4,326 |
TEXAS | 23,887 | $99,751,315 | 15,205 |
U, S. VIRGIN ISLANDS | 28 | $85,194 | 14 |
UTAH | 1,027 | $4,729,927 | 672 |
VERMONT | 129 | $539,315 | 90 |
VIRGINIA | 5,724 | $25,001,092 | 3,730 |
WASHINGTON | 1,781 | $5,732,668 | 1,035 |
WEST VIRGINIA | 1,389 | $5,369,036 | 790 |
WISCONSIN | 4,137 | $18,484,421 | 2,812 |
WYOMING | 256 | $965,931 | 167 |
* Funeral assistance data can/will change daily; the information reflects data as of 8 a.m. today.
Applicants may apply by calling 844-684-6333 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. Multilingual services are available. Please note, phone calls from FEMA may come from an unidentified number. Applicants who use a relay service, such as a videophone, Innocaption or CapTel, should provide FEMA with the specific number assigned to them for that service so that agency representatives are able to contact them.
Additional information about COVID-19 funeral assistance, including frequently asked questions, is available on