How Did We Get Here? Factors Leading to the Rise of Discount Funeral Homes
By Glenn Gould, CEO of MKJ Marketing
Discounting is now firmly in place within the funeral
profession; however, it was...
Fur-ever Friends: Pet Loss Tips Every Firm Can Use
When a pet dies, it can feel similar to losing a family member. As families grapple with the loss of their beloved pet, they also are unsure how to move forward, wondering what, if anything, they should do to honor their pet’s life.
What is Death Positive Media? (And How You Can Tap Into It)
The grief experience is often a private one, but it seems as if the media is turning a corner against the previously held notion that death and dying are “taboo” topics.
To Sell Pre-Need, Personal Stories Matter
It's not enough to say that prepaying for funeral services will give your family peace of mind – consumers need to hear stories about how this decision was game-changing for families like their own.
Counterpoint: Rise of the Discounters
Reading through “How Did We Get Here? Factors Leading to the Rise of Discount Funeral Homes” by Glenn Gould caused me to reflect on funeral services’ journey from dependable businesses to these times of change.
CBS to Film Pilot for Comedy about Family Funeral Home
CBS has committed to film a pilot for a new TV show that may hit closer to home than you ever thought a comedy could.
How You Can Build Trust as a Cremation Provider
Your most valuable business asset is your funeral home’s image. With surging cremation rates, more families are looking for providers and comparing you with your competitors.
#LeaderLinks: Explaining Misconceptions About Going Green (And More)
The deathcare industry covers such a wide variety of topics, opinions, and ideas, that it can be difficult to keep up with the latest news and trends.
5 Unique Trends for Memorialization
As our society becomes more individualized and personalization options continue to multiply, you’re missing the mark if you’re still only offering the same services you’ve had for the past 20 years or more.
Why Cemeteries Need to Focus on Memorialization Options
By Glenn Gould, CEO of MKJ Marketing
Before we start, let’s get into a little history.