Future of “A Tree to Remember” Program Includes New Partnerships, More Transparency



Middleton, WI — Over 3,189,683 memorial trees have already been planted through “A Tree to Remember,” offering families another way to honor their loved ones in a more permanent way — and a new partnership will expand the reach of these environmentally conscious memorial gifts.

“A Tree to Remember” is now collaborating with the Arbor Day Foundation to amplify the program’s capabilities to plant memorial trees across North America and beyond, including future planting sites in Israel. The Arbor Day Foundation is the largest member nonprofit organization dedicated to planting trees. Since its founding in 1972, the organization has planted and distributed almost 500 million trees worldwide.

“The Arbor Day Foundation is at its best when it is aligned with partners that share our values around making the world a better place, which is why we’re proud to support ‘A Tree to Remember,’” said Dan Lambe, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Planting trees in memory of a lost loved one might be the most impactful way to honor a life — it not only leaves a legacy for a life well lived, but it also moves the world forward through the many benefits of a tree.”

Thanks to this new partnership, purchasers of “A Tree to Remember” memorial trees will enjoy the added benefit of accessing specific details about where their tree has been planted. Within 60 days of purchase, the purchaser will receive an update with information on the planting project where the tree was planted (with GPS coordinates), an explanation of why this location was chosen, details about the impact their tree will make, and images showing the growth progress in the planting location. The Arbor Day Foundation follows the growth progress of each planting location for a minimum of five years to ensure success.

The Arbor Day Foundation partnership will offer new features that families will love. For instance, each tree is currently planted in the location closest to the funeral home that served the deceased. In the future, this partnership will allow families to choose the planting location they desire from a list of multiple locations offered through the Arbor Day Foundation. In the future, families will also be able to order commemorative plaques, gift cards, framed certificates, engraved plaques, and even order a live, potted tree to plant in remembrance. These upgrades will help make memorial trees feel even more personal to the family and honor the wishes of their loved one.

Anyone with questions about “A Tree to Remember” can contact press@memorialtree.com or visit www.memorialtree.com for more information.

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