Thursday, March 13, 2025

Win Over Pet Lovers and Build Your Brand

Throughout the year, there are countless opportunities to appeal to pet lovers and to facilitate a function designed just for them. Plan ahead for these occasions, which will certainly result in a return on investment and also help get your firm’s name out in the community.

A Positive Spin on Funeral Service: 4 Firms You Need to Read About

In an effort to highlight the positive work of funeral directors and help tip the scales in the right direction, here is a roundup of funeral professionals who made headlines this month for good reasons.

Not Your Average Funeral Director: Meet Clay Roberson

By Leader Editor Kara Apel Editor’s note: When you grow up in a family-owned business, it can seem like...

Veterans Working to Return Remains of America’s Heroes to Families

According to their website, Vietnam Veterans of America Jersey Shore Area Chapter 12 has been able to locate over 70 veterans and their spouses.

Funeral Director Surpasses Fundraising Goal for Embalming Initiative in Kenya

The Leader previously interviewed Michigan funeral director Dominick Astorino when he was working to raise $15,000 to travel to Kenya.

Funeral Home Uses Facebook to Rally Support for Man Mourning Wife Killed in Mass...

An El Paso funeral home sparked an outpouring of love and support from around the world after sharing a photo of a man grieving the loss of his wife, who was killed in the mass shooting earlier this month.

6 Easy-to-Use Tech Tools You Can Share With Families

There is no better time to make tasks easier for a family than when they are grieving the loss of a loved one. Here are a few examples of websites and apps that your staff can share with the families you serve.

‘Funeral Cribs’ Series Spotlights Firms With Modern Twist

The series, published on both Facebook and YouTube, highlights funeral homes across the country whose owners take interesting or innovative approaches to their businesses.

Funeral Director Raising Money for Embalming Initiative in Kenya

Due to the lack of training, and the spread of diseases like cholera, yellow fever, and malaria, those who work in Kenya’s mortuaries are getting sick and some are even dying from the conditions.

‘American Funeral Director’ Publishes List of Top Innovators for Deathcare Industry

The innovators represent different facets of thought leadership, including experts in software engineering, communication, and marketing – just to name a few.